Friday, January 3, 2020

"Until Iowa" 31 days: Homelessness

How many days “Until Iowa”?  “Iowa is” already but writing this snowy February 3 it’s 31 days until the Iowa Caucuses. So, here’s my second post on the subject.

A national news commentator whom I trust and admire recently was in mid-America doing a story. I was surprised the commentator was surprised to discover homelessness in the Midwest, saying, “I thought homelessness was in the big cities of the East and West coasts, not in rural America.” First, we in Iowa, know that here many people—many of us-- are without houses, without shelter, without homes, in our cities, towns and rural areas. Second, these United States should not be divided into rural and urban, nor into red states and blue states. On Iowa license plates are silhouette images of city buildings and farm structures.

Third, most important for contemplation of “until Iowa,” is that the poverty which leads to homelessness is a major problem everywhere.  AND, people who are poor, who are without an address, deserve to vote. Such votes of real people are needed! Homelessness, joblessness and poverty need to be alleviated. That’s the challenge for “until Iowa” and beyond.

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