Monday, January 6, 2020

"Until Iowa" 28 Days: Civil and Civic Conversations

“Until Iowa” Post 3. We gathered at the Mason City Public Library Saturday morning with our State Senator Amanda Ragan and State Representative Sharon Steckman for a “legislative preview.” Never mind that next door at the Art Museum Democratic presidential candidate Tom Steyer also would be speaking Saturday and across the street in the other direction candidate Bernie Sanders would be speaking at Music Man Square Saturday evening. Those events also would be full.

However, decisions made by states matter too—greatly! At our meeting people of all age groups talked calmly, intelligently, and knowledgeably about a full range of topics facing us this legislative term. We began with the need for emergency services. Sometimes people have to wait 45 minutes for an ambulance. Volunteers work hard; the need grows.

Next the group delved into mental health issues, for youth and adults. We need more counselors in schools. This led to the important issue of public education. Iowa for decades has been known for excellent public schools for all children, but budget cuts are hurting. There is a need for child care and nursing home workers, and for raising the minimum wage.

Another big issue is water quality. For nearly two hours the conversation continued, people sharing knowledge and asking each other questions.  We ended with talking about the upcoming Iowa Caucus sites.  What I participated in Saturday WAS the kind of civil and civic conversation around issues that happens at an Iowa Caucus.

Tweet 3 of “Until Iowa” Besides Tom Steyer and Bernie Sanders being here Sat., we gathered with our State Senator and Representative about issues of mental health, public education, water quality and more. Calm, intelligent conversation. This IS like an Iowa Caucus

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