Tuesday, April 11, 2023

Easter Monday shootings

 Easter Monday: In yet another mass shooting, Louisville, KY, suffered the loss of four people who died and 9 who were injured.  And almost unbelievably, but what has come to be believable, just 3 hours later another shooting at a Community college in Louisville. Christ was risen to bring life, not murder.  Do we believe that? The Easter flowers are still surrounding us. But guns, way too many guns, surround us, too. Christ is Risen. Christ is Risen Indeed.

Friday, April 7, 2023

Jesus Suffered

 On this Good Friday, we focus on the verbs from the Gospels: Jesus was deserted, grieved, betrayed, approached with swords and clubs, lied about, struck and slapped, denied, bound, led away, suffered, flogged, mocked, spat upon, taunted, crucified, forsaken. The earth shook. Simon of Cyrene carried his Jesus' cross. Joseph of Arimathea offered his tomb. The women watched and prepared spices and ointments. We watch and wait.

Tuesday, April 4, 2023

Whom do you follow during Holy Week?

 Today, the Tuesday of Holy Week, I won't be watching as the media covers every step of the way of the former U.S. President into the courtroom to be indicted for (some of) the crimes he has committed during the past years. What else could the media be covering? The current VP, Pamela Harris' visit to African nations last week?  Not a glimpse of her, except on PBS.  Britain's King Charles last week visited Germany to re-enforce reconciliation and speak for future common work together. What else should we be watching?

During this Holy Week, we follow Jesus, the Christ, from his entry into Jerusalem to the cross.  Watch! Tell others to watch! Every step of the way! Only through this Savior will we be able to repent and receive new life.