Saturday, March 8, 2025

Girls' Basketball

It's Iowa High School Girls' Basketball time! The first Iowa state tournament was held in 1920, 52 years before Title IX. The tradition held in Des Moines each year is wonderful. Each year h.s. boys in tuxedos sweep the floor at half-time. There are 5 classes depending on school size. Friday night we saw the Class 5A and 3A. Today will be Classes 1A, 2A and 4A beginning at 2:30 on Iowa Public Television.

Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Leader of the Free World

 It's not just about avocados. (We love avocados). It's about health care, medicaid, social security, and so much more. It about whether this country will continue to be a democracy or become an authoritarian dictatorship. We can't wait for elections in 2026 and 28. We must stop this complete turn about now. We will no longer be the leader of the free world. Perhaps we are no longer that now. It's about our being one nation about all nations--United Nations.