Friday, June 28, 2024

How do you debate someone who lies?

 President Biden is being criticized for what they call his "halting" speech last night.  We have known that Biden has been a stutterer since childhood. I have a disability. I have aphasia. For years I have had difficulty speaking at night without a script.  Prejudice against those with a disability! This has nothing to do with Biden's wisdom and leadership.  He is smart.  He is not too old!  How do you debate a person, Trump, who constantly lies and slanders you? Biden had the substance and truth! That's what counts.

Thursday, June 20, 2024

Summer Solstice Jun 20

 What will you be doing today, June 20th, the Summer Solstice? Post what you will be doing. Dusk in Northern Iowa, at 9:10 p.m. and Dawn at 5:15 a.m. We are celebrating grandson Jackson's 18th birthday. (And for my friends in South Australia, what will you be doing on the shortest day of the year?)

A Pluralistic Nation

 Louisiana just became the first U.S. state to require the Ten Commandments be posted in classrooms. This goes against the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution. This is a pluralistic nation. Public schools and colleges should educate about all religions, not teach students in which religion to believe. Christian Nationalism is not the religion of the United States and should not become so.

Tuesday, June 18, 2024


Juneteenth (June 19), a time to remember that this country enslaved people and to give thanks that the news of emancipation finally reached Texas (even if 3 years late). Also a time to make sure all people are fully free and have freedom to vote. 

Saturday, June 15, 2024

Burton: a wonderful father and grandfather

Burton has been such a wonderful, caring, father to Mark, Joel and Kirk, for all these years.  A great grandfather, faithful pastor and friend to so many. 

Friday, June 14, 2024

Not in My Backyard.

"Not in my backyard." That phrase is still here. In a nearby large city, plans were for a 14-bedroom home to become 12 temporary housing units to aid men transitioning to permanent homes. Tenants could live there for up to two years.The city's Plan and Zoning Commission approved the project with a 12-1 vote, but not before hearing from a crowd of residents who unanimously opposed the project. They mentioned the proximity of the property to an Elementary School and expressed concern for the safety of children who may pass by. Why do we assume providing housing will hurt children? What do we really care about?

Monday, June 10, 2024

Purging Diversity

As of July 1 in Iowa, 67 boards and commissions are slated for extinction, including those representing marginalized and underrepresented groups, such as people with autism, children with special health needs, aging adults and more. Gone will be the divisions on the status of women, of African-Americans, of Latinos, of Asian and Pacific Islanders, of Native Americans and of people with disabilities. Also vanishing on July 1 will be a gender-balance requirement in effect since 1987--the nation's first--requiring proportional representation by men and women on state boards and commissions. [Rekha Basu in the Des Moines Sunday Register, 6/9/24]

Saturday, June 8, 2024

Did you know about my scar?

 Little known fact about me. Way, way before Title IX, in grade school in Des Moines I played soccer baseball, boys and girls together. No competitive opposing teams; we rotated positions. In 6th grade, while on my way to 2nd base, I cut my knee. The school yard field was made of cinders.  I was taken to a doctor for stitches. Seventy-four years later I still have the cinder-colored scar on my knee.

Thursday, June 6, 2024

80th Anniversary of D-Day

 I remember D-Day. Although I was only 5, it was such good news. British, U.S. and Canadian landed in Normandy.  So many died, but finally Hitler's Germany would be pushed back. It would take another year before The Second World War would end in Europe and in Asia.  We hoped that never again would the world be at war.  The United Nations was formed.  Now again, we face wars and possibilities of wars across the globe. We have work to do to prevent and end them.

Monday, June 3, 2024

New President in Mexico

 Notable is the fact that Mexico elected its first woman and first Jewish president.  Claudia Sheinbaum brings many things to the office, including the fact that she has a Ph.D. in energy engineering.  She understands the Climate Crisis.  As the United State's largest trading partner and closet neighbor to the south, we need to work together with Mexico to face the challenges ahead for both our countries.