Saturday, March 12, 2022

Collaboration: Contrast between Paralympics and War

 I have been intrigued and inspired watching the Winter Paralympics. There are the visually impaired skiing or sledding down giant slopes, with a guide leading them.  What trust, what collaboration.

I have enjoyed sled hockey, yes particularly the U.S. team. For me it's not about how many points, or about winning and losing. It's watching the collaboration among the team members. With skill and collaboration they pass the puck from person and person.  Not just "chemistry" among the men, but co-labor. Beautiful and productive. Collaboration doesn't mean one has to work less, but the incentive to work harder together.

I cannot even make a logical contrast between watching the Paralympics and Russia's invasion of Ukraine. It's beyond contrast and comparison. Instead of celebrating each other, the goal is to annihilate, conquer, kill. All the more reason to co-labor with allies trying to stop Putin. We need inspiration and energy from the Paralympians.

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