Sunday, October 17, 2021

Beauty right in Front of Us

 I have seen some amazingly beautiful views: the Rocky Mountains, the bluffs on the Mississippi River, the Outback in. Australia, East Rock and West Rock in New Haven, Ct., villages in Africa. But there is also beauty outside one's own window, in one's own neighbor, such as the fall colors on the tree outside my window as I write this. What beauty do you see right in front of you?

Sunday, October 10, 2021

Indigenous Peoples' Day

 Discovery? How can one person "discover" a land and disregard the over 550 tribes already here, considering them either part of the paradisiac landscape or horrid savages? I plan not to honor Columbus on Oct. 11. President Joe Biden issued a proclamation commemorating Indigenous Peoples' Day, the first U.S. president to do so.  The "discovery" led to annihilation of native peoples' identity, customs, languages, and death. Rather, I need to discover the truth, learn, restore, and do all I can to right wrongs


Saturday, October 9, 2021

Marigolds: To Celebrate Hope

 I celebrate Marigolds. I know, this is the season for mums and pumpkins, but I celebrate Marigolds. They are huge and colorful right now. Hope! For years I have grown them in the inner city--the more children pick them, the more flowers come. I have grown them in our yard in four states.  They grow easily and everywhere. During this Fall when hope is slow to come by with unending COVID here and especially globally, when people have become everywhere rude, divided, frustrated, angry, when equal justice is no where near, I celebrate the endurance and hope of the Marigolds.