Tuesday, December 14, 2021

More than a Memory

 “Mayfield More than a Memory,” says a mural on the side of a downtown building that still stands in Mayfield, Kentucky. This 200 years old town of 10,000 had been working to revitalize itself for the 21st century. Some may believe that memories are all the people in Mayfield have after the huge tornado ripped through there last Friday night. 

I have such admiration for the mayor and governor, and other leaders who with calm, and courage carry on, giving thanks for the support they have received from the nation. Neighbors helped neighbors, pulling them out of the rubble. Mayfield is a community of people.  That's what makes a small city, a small town, and needs to make the world.

Only a memory? No, because we have a God who was, and is, and is to come. 

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