Wednesday, November 10, 2021

Night of Broken Glass

 My birth, November 6, 1938, is forever linked with the "Night of Broken Glass" three days later. On Kristallnacht (Crystal Night) Nov. 9-10, 1938, German Nazis attacked Jewish people and property. Just before midnight on Nov. 9 Gestapo chief sent telegrams to all police units informing them the attacks should not be interfered with. Rather, the victims should be arrested. Fire companies stood by as synagogues burned, with explicit instructions to let them burn.

That night led to the Holocaust where 6 million Jews were killed. In addition to those 6 million, millions of non-Jews, perhaps 5-6 million, were killed, including people with physical and mental disabilities, called "useless" people, homosexual men, Roma, Poles and other slavic people. All this because of Hitler's vision of a "master race."  

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