Friday, September 20, 2024

Fed Cuts Rates

 The Federal Reserve just cut interest rates by 1/2 point. Why do so many people think Trump would be better for the economy than Harris? The Stock Market is up. Gas prices are coming down. The U.S. has out-performed all other countries in recovering economically after Covid. Kamala Harris is intelligent and can be trusted to make decisions for ALL the people.  Trump does not even know what tariffs do to raise prices on imported goods. 

Wednesday, September 18, 2024

64 and 46

Today is the 46th anniversary of my ordination to ministry of Word and Sacrament. I was called to teach at Yale Divinity School and work with Lutheran Students there.  This year also marks the 64th anniversary of my consecration as a Lutheran deaconess. (I continue to be a member of the Lutheran Diaconal Association.) I was assigned to serve at Ascension Lutheran Church in St. Louis.  I thank God for 64 (including 46) years of being able to serve so many people in different settings. 

Friday, September 13, 2024

No one is eating dogs and cats

 No one is eating cats and dogs in Springfield, Ohio.  Donald Trump's outrageous comment at the presidential debate was hateful denigrating of Haitian immigrants and racist. The ELCA has a church college, Wittenberg, in Springfield, so emailed them in care. I was surprised to receive a response from Wittenberg's president, thanking me for reaching out. The college has talked with city, country, and state officials, including the governor to be of help. He says, "It seems the new residents in our city are not having problems finding jobs and the business leaders I have spoken with appreciate their work and work ethic."  Children in Springfield are afraid because of bomb threats. How do we care for the children? How do we care for immigrants? 

Wednesday, September 11, 2024


 On September 11, 2001, 19 terrorists hijacked four commercial airlines which hit the World Trade Center in NYC, the Pentagon, and a field in Shanksville, PA. Over 2,996 people were killed on that day and hundreds more died from the effects in the days and years to come. Fear followed. Now, 23 years later, we again live in a time of fear. We remember those who died on 9/11 and we pray for wisdom in these days. 

Monday, September 9, 2024

The choice

 Tomorrow, Tuesday, will be the presidential debate. Listen carefully and be willing to change your mind. Trump has a loyal following, but hear what he really means to do.  Many lifelong Republicans are now going to vote for Harris/Walz. You do not have to be a Democrat to vote for the Democratic candidates. Voting for the Democrat, does not make you a Democrat.  You are free to vote!  So listen, learn, and then vote.

Tuesday, September 3, 2024

The Skill, the Strength and the Determination

France and the USA played in the quarter finals of men's wheel chair basketball Tuesday. I'm not going to talk about who won and who "dominated."  It's not about domination; it's watching the strength and determination of those who played. Yes, they make baskets while sitting in a chair.  What skill! And it's about their determination when the wheelchair tips over and they have to find a way to get themselves and the chair back up. That's strength, amazing strength.


Sunday, September 1, 2024

Burton: A Faithful Pastor

 I give thanks for my husband, Burton, being a faithful pastor for so many years. First Church UCC here in Mason City where he had been interim pastor for nearly two years celebrated him. He has preached in San Diego and NYC. He served Gethsemane in inner city Detroit for almost 5 years. He then served Zion in inner city New Haven, Ct. for seven.  When we were in Dubuque, he served 15 years at Grace in East Dubuque.  He has served as interim pastor in dozens of congregations over the years. At 87, this morning he was bid farewell for the "next chapter of his life."  I give thanks for Burton, faithful to the Gospel, always loving the people.