Tuesday, December 31, 2024

Nativity Set 28

 A Happy New Year.  Burton and I spent New Year's Day together in 1961 when I was in my first call as a deaconess in St. Louis and Burton was in his second year of seminary. On occasion we have been apart on each other's birthday or Christmas, but we have spent every New Year's Day together ever since.  May you be blessed this coming year with health and joy.   

Monday, December 30, 2024

Nativity Sets 25, 26, 27

 The final day of 2024!  Blessings for the New Year.


Sunday, December 29, 2024

Nativity Sets 23 and 24

 We are in God's hands. Christ is everywhere with us.  We give thanks for the faith and service of Jimmy Carter. 

Saturday, December 28, 2024

Nativity Set 22

 Banana Fibre Grass Dolls. We feel connected to the world with our various Nativity sets.  We ARE connected to the world and need to care for people of all nations and to the planet itself.

Friday, December 27, 2024

Nativity Set 20 and 21

 We are on our way to Epiphany, so I will need to post two nativity sets at a time. The light of the Christ Child continues to be with us. 

Thursday, December 26, 2024

Nativity Set 19

 Life is a puzzle. However, thankfully, in Christ, we are freed, guided and empowered to discern our calling each new day.  This nativity set comes as a puzzle. After we set it up for Christmas, we needed to refer to a picture to know how to put it all back together again.

Tuesday, December 24, 2024

Nativity Set 17

Christmas Day! To all of you: Blessings of the Christ Child.  Whether we see each other regularly or haven't been together in person for years, we are united with Christians around the world. "Jesus, Jesus, oh what a wonderful child. . . new life, new hope the child will bring. Glory, glory let the heavens ring!"

Monday, December 23, 2024

Nativity Set 16

 A blessed Christmas Eve to all. It is fitting that the Nativity set you see today is from Haiti. I offer it in memory of the over 300,000 people who died in the 2010 Haitian earthquake. Three Wartburg Seminary students were there on that January 12. Ben Larson died in the earthquake while singing, "O Lamb of God, you bear the sin of all the world away. Eternal peace with God you made. God's peace to us we pray." Renee Splichal Larson writes about death and resurrection, about the suffering and faith of the Haitian people. Today we know that in Christ new life comes forth.

Sunday, December 22, 2024

Nativity set 15

 Happy Christmas Adam! When living in Connecticut, our children concocted this holiday for Dec. 23. According to Kirk they reasoned that because there was a Christmas Eve on Dec. 24, there needed to be a Christmas Adam, too. He tells the story now that there is even a theological basis since Adam and Eve were the ancestors of all. Actually the purpose was to convince their parents that they should be able to open one gift on Dec. 23 (We already had the practice of opening one gift on Christmas Eve--there was no Santa in our house.) That, combined with the Twelve Days of Christmas made the season last a long time. 

Saturday, December 21, 2024

Nativity Set 14

 The Fourth Sunday of Advent.

Friday, December 20, 2024

Nativity Set 13

 Some people will be alone this Christmas Eve. I remember when living in Dubuque, that Burton was doing an Interim in the NE corner of Iowa. He needed to stay overnight to lead Christmas Day services, but he had no place to stay. No places were open to eat. He crossed over into Wisconsin to find something to eat and a motel. Meanwhile I was alone in Dubuque. There was too much snow in our driveway for me to get out. I probably could have called someone but "didn't want to bother anyone."  Even when we are alone, we are loved.

Thursday, December 19, 2024

Nativity Set 12

The incoming administration plans to allow ICE to enter schools and houses of worship to arrest people and deport them. What about Sanctuary?  What about the safety of immigrants and refugees? The Christ child was a refugee. "An angel appeared to Joseph saying, "Get up, take the child and his mother and flee to Egypt." (Mt. 2:13)


Wednesday, December 18, 2024

Nativity Set 11

 With the Light of Christ, we are invited to celebrate.  May the Christ Child bless you.

Tuesday, December 17, 2024

Nativity Set 10

 All are welcome. Come to the manger.

Nativity set 9

 Some years ago when we were living in New Haven, Ct., a young couple knocked on our door on Christmas Eve. She was pregnant, but the hospital, two blocks away, did not admit her--too soon they thought. The couple, members of our congregation, lived miles away. So they stayed the night in our parsonage with us. No she didn't give birth that night, but listen to who might be at your door on a snowy night far from home. 

Monday, December 16, 2024

Nativity Set 8

 I love this nativity set. It's from Africa. (All the pieces fit inside the stable when we put them away for another year.)

Sunday, December 15, 2024

Nativity set 7

 We have nativity sets everywhere in the house. Christ is everywhere in our lives.

Saturday, December 14, 2024

Nativity set # 6

 Our nativity sets come from all over the world. Christ came for all peoples.

Friday, December 13, 2024

Manger Set 5

 Angels we have heard! This sits on our Kitchen counter.

Thursday, December 12, 2024

Trump's leadership picks

 Are any of the new administration's appointments for leadership wise? I mean, Kari Lake for director of Voice of America? Think how the world sees us. Think what these choices are going to mean for our self-identity, our safety and for the safety of the world.

Manger Set 4

 Son Kirk made this manger set in an after school church program when he was young. We teach children not only to want toys, but to participate in anticipating Christmas and making things to give to others.

Wednesday, December 11, 2024

Manger Set 3

Of all the books in the world, the Bible tells the story of the nativity of our Lord.

Tuesday, December 10, 2024


 Damascus: Syria is now free of its 50-60 year old oppression. We pray for its future. We pray for its people. We pray for those helping Syria secure a stable future, such as the United Nations.  

Manger Set 2

 Wherever we are in the world, Christ is the light of the world. 

Sunday, December 8, 2024

Manger set 1

 The Second Sunday in Advent. We prepare for the child Jesus to be born.

Tuesday, December 3, 2024

Support for the Journey

 Son Kirk beginning his two-day drive back to Texas. It is a parent's calling to love, guide and support their adult children's journey through life. 

Friday, November 29, 2024

Thanksgiving 2024

Most of the family together on Thanksgiving at Joel and Rachel's house here in Mason City

Tuesday, November 19, 2024

45 Years and 45 Datebooks

 I just received my 45th "Little Red Book." It's the small datebook provided by my publishing house, Augsburg Fortress. What a collection. I have them all in a small cardboard chest under my desk.  It's more than a collection.  I can and do refer to them frequently to see when I met someone, when I went on a speaking engagement, what day (what year) something significant happened.  It's memory records since I was ordained.  This is the final year they will be published, so I've started this one for 2025.  

Friday, November 15, 2024


 RFK Jr. appointed to head Health and Human Services? No! He would have power over the NIH, CDC and FDA. This is the man who believes vaccines are linked to autism. He would take fluoride out of the public water supplies, decide what medicines are available, have power over food safety and medical research. He would remove requirements for inoculations against measles and polio which prevent outbreaks among our children. God help us. 

Saturday, November 9, 2024

Veterans' Day

 Veterans' Day: the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month the armistice was signed between the Allied troops and Germany. We remember. My father served in WW 1, right after he graduated from high school. My uncle was gassed in WW 1. A few years later, suffering from the effects, he took his own life. Many of my cousins served in WW 11.  All came home safely. My brother-in-law, Carroll Everist was shot in the leg in the Korean War. His unit was captured and most were killed. The Chinese eventually pulled out and Carroll came home.  Our son, Mark, served in the Army National Guard. We give thanks for all.

Thursday, November 7, 2024

Week of Nov 6 1938

 I was born Nov. 6, 1938, between Orson Welles' "War of the Worlds" (Oct. 30) and Kristallnacht, (Nov 9-10) when Nazi leaders attacked Jewish persons, a violent act of state-sanctioned violence. In the week of my birth I came into a fearful world.  This year on Nov. 6, I live in a world of fear of what it to come. Thank you for the many birthday greetings that give me courage to discern, at age 86, what is my calling in the months and years ahead. 

Wednesday, November 6, 2024

Words from Kamala Harris

Words today from Kamala Harris: The outcome of this election is not what we wanted. But the light of America's promise will always burn bright as long as we don't give up. . . I will never give up the fight for a future where every American can pursue their dreams...the fight to protect our students and our streets from gun violence. The fight for our democracy. . . You can and will make a difference. 

Sunday, November 3, 2024

We're not done yet

 We're not done yet. Many of you have already voted, but we're not done yet. Former President Barack Obama reminds us to bring others to the polls. Who do you think has not yet voted? Ask them. Help them find their polling place. Offer them a ride. Do they think their vote won't matter? It does. The news about Iowa means things can change even in the final two days. What will you do? Ours is a country of the people, by the people and for the people. That's all of us.  

A Secret about Time

 If you play your cards right--I mean play your clocks right--you can have an extra hour each day until election day and then have an extra hour to stay up on the night of Nov. 5.  (It's my secret.)


Friday, November 1, 2024

All Saints Day

 For all the saints who from their labors rest, who thee by faith before the world confessed, thy name, O Jesus, be forever blest, Alleluia! Alleluia!

Thursday, October 31, 2024

Death of Billie

 Burton's sister, Billie Crowder, died quietly at her home in LaHabra, California (L.A. area) Tuesday surrounded by her children and grandchildren. Burton will he attending her memorial service which will be on All Saints Day, Nov. 1, on what would have been Billie's 96th birthday. We give thanks to God for this sweet, kind woman. 

Wednesday, October 30, 2024

25th anniversary of JDDJ

October 31 is Reformation Day. This year we celebrate the 25th anniversary of the Joint Declaration on the Doctrine of Justification (JDDJ). The JDDJ is a historic agreement between the Roman Catholic Church and the Lutheran World Federation that was signed in 1999 on Reformation Day. The declaration is considered a significant achievement in the ecumenical movement.

it was later affirmed by the World Methodist Council (2006), the Anglican Consultative Council (2016) and the World Communion of Reformed Churches (2017), making it a multilateral agreement between five equal partners.

Monday, October 28, 2024

Thanks for voting

 One week until Nov. 5. Thank you to all who have already voted. This is to encourage all others to go to the polls.  Michelle Obama reminded us that no one, even your family members, need know how you voted. No one will see how you vote. In addition, voting for the one you think the best candidate does not change your party. You can remain a Republican and vote for Harris/Walz. Or you can remain a Democrat and vote for Trump/Vance. We know this is a close election. Yes, every vote matters.  It is our responsibility and our privilege to vote.

Friday, October 25, 2024

Biden Apologizes

 "I formally apologize" said President Joe Biden today. Speaking at the Gila River Indian Community in Arizona, Biden apologized for the 150 years (early 1800's to 1970) the U.S. government mandated the removal of native children from their homes to be put in Federal Indian Boarding Schools. Many were abused; many died; all suffered. This part of the U.S. history has been ignored. Biden was the first president to appoint a Native American to his cabinet, Secretary of the Interior, Deb Haaland.

During the Biden administration he and Haaland guided the White House Council of Native American Affairs. Biden worked to give tribes more autonomy, to reduce child poverty, to provide 200,000 jobs for Native Americans and increase funding for healthcare and education. November in Native American Heritage month. 

Thursday, October 24, 2024

Loss of Freedom of the Press

 I recently taught a Lifelong Learning class on The First Amendment which is the bedrock of our democracy. This includes "Freedom of the Press." Donald Trump has threatened to jail reporters and strip networks of their licenses for fact-checking him and for other unfavorable coverage. That would include NBC, CBS, ABC and CNN. He has also threatened the Wall Street Journal. We might be left only with state-run news outlets.  Do we know what loss of freedom of the press would mean?

Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Support for Election Officials

 Less than two weeks until Nov. 5. Thousands of election officials are already serving at early voting sites. Let's support them and say "Thank you" to them.  We can all help this election be free and fair and safe.  My husband, Burton, will be a poll watcher on election day.  Vote!

Saturday, October 19, 2024

The responsibility of voting

People say, "Trump says ridiculous things. I think it's funny" 

My response: He's not just funny. This is deadly serious. We don't want to lose our democracy."

People say, "Maybe it wouldn't be so bad living under a dictator because Trump says he will fix things."

My response:  Do you know that it would be like living under a dictator?

In a democracy it's a responsibility and a privilege to vote!

Thursday, October 17, 2024

Frost and flowers

 We have had our first frost; however, these roses not far from our home are still beautiful.  

We voted

We voted today.  People say, "I know I'll be tired on election day, so I may not be able to get to the polls" Then, vote early.  People say, "I don't want to look like I'm pressuring my neighbors, so I won't bother reminding them to vote." Tell everyone to vote.  Each vote matters. 

Tuesday, October 15, 2024

To Mute is Not Enough

So, you are thinking of not voting this year? Here is my response to what I am hearing: 

"I'm exhausted. I'm thankful for the mute button on TV." To mute is not enough. Vote!

 "I'm tired of the negativity:" Then vote for positivity and possibility.

Monday, October 14, 2024


 Happy Thanksgiving Day to my Canadian friends, to all the people of Canada, including, of course, the First Nations.

Sunday, October 13, 2024

Indigenous Peoples' Day Oct. 14

 Mason City, Iowa is located on the traditional, ancestral, and unceded lands of the BáxoÇ°e (Ioway), Sauk (Sac), and Meskwaki (Fox) peoplesThe Winnebago and Sioux peoples were the first inhabitants of the area that would become Mason City.  We honor them on Indigenous Peoples' Day, Oct. 14 and repent of the ways they have been treated.

Thursday, October 10, 2024

FEMA and Project 2025


People from across the country care about those who have suffered from Hurricane Milton and just two weeks ago Hurricane Helena, FEMA provides life-saving rapid response and relief after disasters, giving individual and public financial assistance to help communities recover after homes, belongings and public infrastructure are damaged or lost. 

Project 2025 and Trump/Vance have another vision for the future of American disaster preparedness. Under the Heritage Foundation’s blueprint for the next conservative administration, FEMA would be gutted. 

Saturday, October 5, 2024

The Seasons change

 The seasons change.  The colored leaves fall. The farmers' Market comes to a close. We are in the Baseball post-season. Nov. 5 is one month away. What will the change of seasons bring? 

 From Tanya Wittwer who studied at Wartburg Seminary a couple of decades ago. "Thank you, siblings in Christ. The Lutheran Church of Australia and New Zealand have voted to allow the ordination of women (and also to allow clergy and members to hold to male-only ordination if that is their conviction.) We can move ahead."

I spent part of a sabbatical in Adelaide where their seminary is located and was invited to speak to a preaching class--but not to mention ordination. A few women came up afterwards and stood there, amazed to see a woman professor. During the week, a professor, and then another, and another invited me to speak to their classes. But still it took decades for the church to say yes to women. Many Wartburg people have supported Tanya. I give thanks for their persistent voices.

Friday, October 4, 2024

Liz and Kamala

 A sight that gladdened my heart. Lifelong conservative Republican Liz Cheney and Democratic candidate for president Kamala Harris on stage together. Yes, seeing two women was great, but even greater was seeing them speak strongly and supportively, united in their belief that this country that they both love must not elect a dangerous Donald Trump for president. Liz, and her father, former Republican Dick Cheney have both endorsed Harris. Liz: “You may not have supported a Democrat for president before, but we both love our country," Kamala praised Liz as “a leader who puts country above party and above self."

Tuesday, October 1, 2024

Jimmy Carter turns 100

Former President Jimmy Carter turns 100 today, Oct.1.President Joe Biden heralded Carter as “a voice of courage, conviction, compassion.Former President Jimmy Carter turns 100 today, Oct.1.President Joe Biden heralded Carter as “a voice of courage, conviction, compassion.

Carter, who has been in hospice care since February 2023, is the oldest president in American history. Carter’s grandson, Jason Carter, said that his Grandfather was “holding on”  to vote for Kamala Harris. And though his body may be weak tonight, his spirit is as strong as ever. Carter’s grandson, Jason Carter, said that his Grandfather was “holding on”  to vote for Kamala Harris. And though his body may be weak tonight, his spirit is as strong as ever. 

Carter, a Democrat, oversaw key milestones at home and abroad, including the Camp David Accords, a peace agreement between Egypt and Israel, an and the creation of the Department of Energy and the Department of Education Education. It is perhaps the actions of his post-presidency that have defined Carter’s legacy of service to others, the promotion of democracy abroad.

Thursday, September 26, 2024

Project 2025 Danger 1

 Millions of people along the Gulf Coast and throughout the U.S. Southeast are turning to the National Hurricane Center and the National Weather Service for accurate information about Hurricane Helene just as they have with tropical storms going back decades. But if pro-Donald Trump conservatives have their way, these lifesaving forecasts could come to a halt next year.  Also, the far right's new authoritarian playbook would leave communities with fewer resources to rebuild after disasters Understand what Project 2025 would do and vote accordingly.

Tuesday, September 24, 2024

President Biden Speaks at U.N.

 "We must never forget who we're here to represent," Mr. Biden said. "We, the people. These are the first words of our Constitution, the very idea of America, and they inspired the opening words of our U.N. Charter. I've made the preservation of democracy the central cause of my presidency." . My fellow leaders, let us never forget, some things are more important than staying in power. 

"I truly believe we're at another inflection point in world history where the choices we make today will determine our future for decades to come. . . Will we stand behind the principles that unite us? Will we stand firm against aggression? Will we end the conflicts that are raging today? Will we take on global challenges like climate change, hunger and disease?"

Monday, September 23, 2024

UN General Assembly

 The 79th general assembly of the United Nations begins at its headquarters in NYC Tuesday, September 24.  I remember the first in 1945. It was important then and so very important now.  I dedicated one of my books: "To all people who address conflict, not through violence, but through collaborative means of justice, share power, peacemaking, and partnership in interdependent communities locally and globally, particularly the United Nations."

President Biden will rally global action to tackle the world's most pressing challenge, including climate; the opioid epidemic, mobilizing resources for developing countries, managing the risks and benefits of artificial intelligence; and helping end the brutal wars in Gaza, Ukraine, and Sudan, among many other critically important issues.

Friday, September 20, 2024

Fed Cuts Rates

 The Federal Reserve just cut interest rates by 1/2 point. Why do so many people think Trump would be better for the economy than Harris? The Stock Market is up. Gas prices are coming down. The U.S. has out-performed all other countries in recovering economically after Covid. Kamala Harris is intelligent and can be trusted to make decisions for ALL the people.  Trump does not even know what tariffs do to raise prices on imported goods. 

Wednesday, September 18, 2024

64 and 46

Today is the 46th anniversary of my ordination to ministry of Word and Sacrament. I was called to teach at Yale Divinity School and work with Lutheran Students there.  This year also marks the 64th anniversary of my consecration as a Lutheran deaconess. (I continue to be a member of the Lutheran Diaconal Association.) I was assigned to serve at Ascension Lutheran Church in St. Louis.  I thank God for 64 (including 46) years of being able to serve so many people in different settings. 

Friday, September 13, 2024

No one is eating dogs and cats

 No one is eating cats and dogs in Springfield, Ohio.  Donald Trump's outrageous comment at the presidential debate was hateful denigrating of Haitian immigrants and racist. The ELCA has a church college, Wittenberg, in Springfield, so emailed them in care. I was surprised to receive a response from Wittenberg's president, thanking me for reaching out. The college has talked with city, country, and state officials, including the governor to be of help. He says, "It seems the new residents in our city are not having problems finding jobs and the business leaders I have spoken with appreciate their work and work ethic."  Children in Springfield are afraid because of bomb threats. How do we care for the children? How do we care for immigrants? 

Wednesday, September 11, 2024


 On September 11, 2001, 19 terrorists hijacked four commercial airlines which hit the World Trade Center in NYC, the Pentagon, and a field in Shanksville, PA. Over 2,996 people were killed on that day and hundreds more died from the effects in the days and years to come. Fear followed. Now, 23 years later, we again live in a time of fear. We remember those who died on 9/11 and we pray for wisdom in these days. 

Monday, September 9, 2024

The choice

 Tomorrow, Tuesday, will be the presidential debate. Listen carefully and be willing to change your mind. Trump has a loyal following, but hear what he really means to do.  Many lifelong Republicans are now going to vote for Harris/Walz. You do not have to be a Democrat to vote for the Democratic candidates. Voting for the Democrat, does not make you a Democrat.  You are free to vote!  So listen, learn, and then vote.

Tuesday, September 3, 2024

The Skill, the Strength and the Determination

France and the USA played in the quarter finals of men's wheel chair basketball Tuesday. I'm not going to talk about who won and who "dominated."  It's not about domination; it's watching the strength and determination of those who played. Yes, they make baskets while sitting in a chair.  What skill! And it's about their determination when the wheelchair tips over and they have to find a way to get themselves and the chair back up. That's strength, amazing strength.


Sunday, September 1, 2024

Burton: A Faithful Pastor

 I give thanks for my husband, Burton, being a faithful pastor for so many years. First Church UCC here in Mason City where he had been interim pastor for nearly two years celebrated him. He has preached in San Diego and NYC. He served Gethsemane in inner city Detroit for almost 5 years. He then served Zion in inner city New Haven, Ct. for seven.  When we were in Dubuque, he served 15 years at Grace in East Dubuque.  He has served as interim pastor in dozens of congregations over the years. At 87, this morning he was bid farewell for the "next chapter of his life."  I give thanks for Burton, faithful to the Gospel, always loving the people. 

Friday, August 30, 2024


 Men's Goal Ball is on at the Paralympics today. Three men who are blind are on each side of the court trying to block the ball from opposing team with their bodies.  Spectators need to be quiet so the men can hear each other and hear the basketball size ball, with a bell inside, coming towards them. Fascinating!  And just as fascinating that a referee with no arms, but with eyesight could announce when a goal had been made.  As differently abled and disabled, we need each other.

Thursday, August 29, 2024

Vote by mail

Can you, in the state in which you live, now request an Absentee ballot for the upcoming general election? In Iowa, as of August 27, we now can. In our county we can either go to our County Courthouse, or go on their website (www.cerrogordo.gov) Ballots will be mailed out Oct. 16th. Sometimes postal delivery takes longer than we may think, so mail it in quickly. Mail-in ballots received after Nov. 5 will not be counted. Check out the rules for the county and state in which you live.


Olympics Opening Ceremony

 The "Inclusion Revolution" People with disabilities and those without participate together on stage. Also, the lighting of the torch ceremony included people not just from France but from many nations.  In the picture, although it looks like people are rowing on water, it is just the lights that portray water and boats.